How to find a great movie every night with the best movie recommendation services
There are tons of movies out there, but finding something great to watch every night, is no easy task. So how you can filter all those movies out there, and get exactly what you are looking for. Here are the 5 most recommended sites to look up must-see movies.
As the name suggests, this site gives you movie reviews from a woman’s perspective. The site was created by 3 women for women. Now, the site boasts of contributions from all over. The movie reviews do not really aim to compare one movie to another. Instead, the reviews give you insight about a movie and share some information you might not have known about it. It also suggests must-see titles that you otherwise might normally skip.
What is great about Criticker is that it does not only recommend movies based on your preferences, it also connects you to like-minded people AND gives you a platform to give your own review of movies. And because the people behind Criticker know that your taste my change, the recommendations adjust as your preferences change.
As you enter your preferences, Jinni searches its database for movies that will suit your fancy, from the genre to the movie type and performers, up to the mood you want to have while watching the film. Signing up makes searches easy because they will all be saved. It even went the extra mile because you can hook it up with streaming sites like iTunes, Amazon Video, Hulu, Blockbuster, or Netflix to further widen their search for recommendations.
Movie recommendation engines
There are quite a few movie & tv show recommendation sites out there, like Tastedive, but we have found the absolute best for getting recommendations is Flavorazor, as they combine their algorithm with handpicked selections of movies & tv shows that are similar to the ones you already love.
Metacritic does not just feature movie reviews but also offers reviews on other topics. It has a wide range of contributors the world over. As reviews come in, ratings are also summarized and the results are shown on the site. While the rating is not an indication of how good or bad a movie is, it does reflect how well a movie is received – or not.
Rotten Tomatoes
Not one site has a wider reach than Rotten Tomatoes. Rotten Tomatoes is the go-to site before watching a movie to find out if the movie is worth watching or not. Anybody can write a review; just register. Professional movie critics, newspaper writers, movie fans all share their two cents on a variety of movies.